Safety notices
Safety notice: Carve 2 and Falcon 2 PPG wings
Owners of the Carve 2 or Falcon 2 PPG wings should read this critical safety notice
Safety notice: G-lite rescue parachute
Owners of the G-lite rescue parachute should read this critical safety notice
Safety notice: Switch 2 harness
Owners of the Switch 2 harness should read this critical safety notice
Safety notice: Genie lite 3 Rescue Deck
Owners of the Genie lite 3 Rescue Deck should read this critical safety notice
Safety notice: Genie lite 3
Owners of Genie lite 3 should read this critical safety notice
Safety notice: Gingo Airlite 4 / Verso 3
Owners of Gingo Airlite 4 or Verso 3 should read this important safety notice
Safety notice: Yeti Cross rescue parachute
Routine quality checks have revealed a potential problem with the packing of a Yeti Cross rescue parachute. Untidy line packing was found, which may affect efficient deployment.
Gingo 3 하네스의 낙하산 컨테이너에 대한 안전사항
Gingo 3 를 소유한 파일럿께서는 안전을 위해 낙하산 컨테이너 내부의 앞쪽에 폼 패드를 삽입해야 합니다.
CLICKLOCK 버클 T-LOCK 버클 사용 중지 안내
많은 패러글라이딩 제조업체에서 사용하는 CLICKLOCK 버클 T-LOCK 버클에 대해 DHV에서 안전에 문제가 생겨 공지를 하게 되었습니다.
Important notice for GIN Combi container owners
Pilots with GIN Combi containers purchased after June 2014 are advised to contact their GIN distributor for a replacement rescue handle (free of charge).
Important notice for Genie race 3 owners
A pilot reported that the main rescue bridle failed at the shoulder connection points following a rescue parachute deployment.
Boomerang 9 M - 유지 보수 관련 공지 사항
Boomerang 9 M 을 이번 시즌 동안 비행해오신 분들은 모두 비행 시간 100시간 경과 혹은 12개월 두 가지 경우 중 어느 한 가지에 해당 할 경우 가까운 대리점을 방문하시어 유지 보수 점검을 받으시기 바랍니다.
GIN Gingo Airlite harness Inspection Recall
Gin Gliders Inc. are recalling the last Gingo Airlite model (launched in 2012) for inspection as a precautionary measure to ensure that the product, after use, still meets our standards of quality.
Safari and Boomerang X: Safety Notice
We have found that the brake lines on some Safari tandem and Boomerang X paragliders may wear prematurely. The probable cause is interaction between the brake line and the metal swivel. In the worst case, the brake line may fail in flight.