Fuse 4 logo

L'équipier idéal pour les pros

Gin Gliders
Genie Race 5 logo

Libérez votre potentiel

Gin Gliders
Evora logo


Gin Gliders Evora
Yeti 6
Calypso 2 logo

Un passeport vers de nouvelles frontières

Camino 2
Camino 2 logo

Cotoyez la nature sauvage


Rappel sécurité

Attention: Carve 2 and Falcon 2 PPG wings

Owners of the Carve 2 or Falcon 2 PPG wings should read this critical safety notice

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Safety notice: G-lite rescue parachute

Si vous possédez ce parachute de secours , veuillez lire attentivement cette information sécurité.

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Safety notice: Switch 2 harness

Owners of the Switch 2 harness should read this critical safety notice

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Featured news

Martin Jovanoski wins the first SRS on the Bonanza 3

Team pilot Martin Jovanoski just won the first event of the Serial Race Series in North Macedonia on the Bonanza 3...

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L'histoire derrière le vol du record Sud-africain de 562 km de Timo Leonetti

We managed to catch up with Timo Leonetti after his amazing South African XC record (562km)...

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Protection dorsale NEO-Koroyd : informations et conseils

La protection dorsale NEO Koroyd de certaines sellettes GIN possède des propriétés uniques grâce à la dissipation de l'énergie par la déformation du matériau, le bruit et la chaleur.

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Timo Leonetti goes big in Brazil

Team pilot Timo Leonetti is currently in Brazil chasing records.

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Asian Tour in Myungyeong, South Korea

After winning the Korean PWC, Martin Jovanoski again took victory

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218km from Iquique to Arica

On September 5th 2022, team pilot Zion completed a landmark flight.

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Martin Jovanoski wins PWC Gochang, South Korea

Martin Jovanoski came out top in the beautiful setting of Gochang and Hadong

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Catalan Championship

Team pilot Sergi Claret reports from the Catalan championship

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Timo Leonetti wins XContest 2022

Congratulations to Timo Leonetti for winning the XContest 2022 at only 19 years old!

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